Diether Isenborghs (Belguim)

This page contains two Shaolin Kungfu  Class Reviews                            

Seven months course till March 2019     

Nadja Abdala  From Germany             

  In my opinion China is the most authentic place to learn Kungfu, it gives you a small inside on chinese culture and you learn so much more than I personally would in my hometown. Many things motivated me to train in China really, but the biggest motivation were my brother, who is training Shaolin Kungfu back at home and my friend who decided to train Kungfu in China. 

My greatest gain is definitely knowledge. Knowledge of what my body can do, where it’s limit is and what I cannot do yet. I also learned how diverse Chinese Kungfu is and the beauty of it and it is something I will keep with me for life. During my time in the academy I got influenced and helped by many people. For one older students were always ready to help, just like the coaches, the translators and of course the MastersEven the owners of the small shop or the staff were ready to help. But training wise I got the most help from the older students, especially in the beginning when one has smaller and more questions. I had an amazing experience in the academy. 

The Masters are incredibly skilled and have a lot of patience with their students. They are really understanding but will push you when they see you try your best and motivate. I learned a lot in the seven months I was here, it is really though in the beginning especially if you don’t have experience but it is definitely worth it as you gain a lot and see your improvements. The translators are super helpful as they answer your questions and really try to help you out,if it’s during training or outside. 

The surroundings of the school are really stunning and breathtaking. I come from a bigger city in Germany, so living in an environment like this was really special to come. Seeing those mountains and lakes every day really brought me closer to nature. The air quality is good for Chinese standards! I didn’t know air pollution from home and I have to say I heard that air quality can get poor in some places in China but I was surprised how often we got a clear blue sky with sunshine.Yantai is also a really cool and beautiful place with the yellow sea right by it. I had a lot of fun exploring places in Yantai and try the restaurant . It’s a contrast to the academy, but both places are cool in their own ways. 




 One Year Shaolin course till March 2019     

Diether Isenborghs  (Belguim)   

              I wanted to practice Shaolin Kungfu in its birthplace. When deciding where I was going to spend the year, China was the first place that came to mind. Where better to practice a martial art than in its place of origin.

It is hard to pin down a single thing as my greatest gain. There are so many things I have learned and improved upon in Kunyu mountain Shaolin academy. My skill in martial arts of course, but also a state of mind which I had never had before. Aside from that, there are a few friendships I have forged here that will last a lifetime. Naturally the Shifus and coaches were my greatest mentors. Their teachings, patience and dedication to training us can not be overstated. Besides them, there are a few students who arrived here together with me who also helped and motivated me immensely. Matthew, Emil and Casper. They were there from the beginning, and until the end. Our little group trained, suffered, laughed, and lived together. I will never forget them. 

Life in Kunyu Mountain Shaolin academy is odd. It feels detached from the outside world, in a good way. Things here are serene, ideal to focus on why you are here. Training is hard, but not impossible. It leaves you with enough time to work on other hobbies, train by yourself, have some fun with friends, etc. 

 Daily life has its ups and downs. When you live together with so many people, some of which are only here for a short time, issues will naturally arise. Despite that, it feels like home, a shared home. I have nothing but praise for the Masters, coaches and translators. All of them are very helpful, dedicated, friendly and some of the best people I have ever met. They kept me motivated on rough days, pushed me past my limits, and made my time here a joy all the way through. Especially Master Meng, Master Sun, and Coach Weng (Pengpeng) stick out for me.There is little to say other than stunning. The natural environment surrounding the school is awe-inspiring, I could not imagine a better place to do this training. 

 My Email:       


Here is the specific address to the academy in English

China Kunyu Mountain Shaolin Martial Arts Academy

Kunyu mountain Natural Conservation District, Yantai City, Shandong Province, China. Postal Code: 264100

School address in Chinese



For more information,feel free to email or call us.



Fax: 0086-535-4693598


Mobile:0086 13696381880

WhatsApp: +81 8058661666

Our academy's location

Learn traditional Shaolin martial arts and Chinese culture in Sacred Kunyu mountain,birthplace of Taoism.

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